Novibet delivers to the citizens of Serres the new “Kostas Tsimikas” football stadium
A new 5×5 football field, built according to the most modern international standards, was delivered by Novibet and the leading international football player Kostas Tsimikas to the local community of Serres, as part of the Giant Heart social contribution program.
In a special event organized for this purpose, the stadium was inaugurated by the Chief Marketing Officer of Novibet, Mr. Christoforos Bozatzidis, the Mayor of Serres, Mr. Alexandros Chrysafis and the Ambassador of the Giant Heart program himself, Kostas Tsimikas. In fact, wanting to honor the face of the top athlete who comes from the local community, the Municipality of Serres decided to give the stadium the name of Kostas Tsimikas.
The new stadium, which was built entirely by Novibet in collaboration with Kostas Tsimikas and the Municipality of Serres, which provided the space within the “Omonoia” Sports Park of Serres, is lined with synthetic turf of FIFA quality specifications, so that the citizens of Serres and especially young children have access to a state-of-the-art sports facility.
From his part, the leading international soccer player Kostas Tsimikas noted: “It is my great pleasure that together with Novibet we are handing over this stadium to the community of Serres. With this move we want to make citizens, and especially young children, embrace sports, giving them a modern entertainment space, but perhaps also a point of first contact with football for tomorrow’s champions. My message to the young kids who love football is to never stop chasing your dreams. Starting from a field like this, with love and concentration in what they do and belief in their ability, they can reach anywhere! In closing, I would like to warmly thank the Municipality of Serres for the great honor they have given me by naming this stadium “Kostas Tsimikas”.